
EMBL Taxonomy:

Bernabeu Group

15 March 2023 Image of a group of people behind a large, black table with two cakes on it to celebrate EMBL Barcelona’s fifth anniversary

EMBL Barcelona: Five years down the road

Lab Matters EMBL’s site by the sea completed its fifth year of operations. We look back at some key milestones and achievements since 2017.



26 July 2022 Group of around 100 people posing in a terrace in front of the sea.

A summer of scientific exchange in Barcelona

ConnectionsLab Matters EMBL’s site by the sea hosted a trio of conferences this summer, covering topics ranging from vascular biology to engineered living systems to evolution.



25 May 2021 Microscope image of an engineered human blood vessel, featuring individual cells outlined in pink with blue nuclei.

Barriers against malaria

Science & Technology The Bernabeu Group aims to increase our knowledge of cerebral malaria, using in vitro engineered networks of human blood vessels and brain cells.



21 May 2021 Image of a mosquito on a clear surface

EMBL scientists support malaria research

Science & Technology EMBL scientists support research on malaria by providing freely available data resources and using innovative experimental approaches. Our Course and Conference Office facilitates the exchange of knowledge in the field by hosting the annual BioMalPar conference.



2 December 2020 Curly-shaped trypanosomes, grey with bright specks of green fluorescent protein, against a grey background.

Tackling tropical diseases

Science & Technology Members of the EMBL community are working to improve our understanding of the parasites that cause malaria and sleeping sickness



10 November 2020 Green coloured brain cells next to a microfluidic network.

Understanding malaria

Science & Technology To help understand cerebral malaria the Bernabeu group has created in vitro engineered networks of human blood vessels.



27 January 2020 Maria Bernabeu

Welcome: Maria Bernabeu

People & Perspectives New group leader at EMBL Barcelona is investigating how malaria affects the human circulatory system




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