
EMBL Taxonomy:

Matthias Wilmanns

27 November 2023 Photo of two people brainstorming at the table covered with several papers and images related to the research project, such as the structure of the molecule, a map with the Solar Lake marked, photo of EMBL Hamburg, photo of Garo Antranikian looking into a microscope, pages of the manuscript, data graphs, and more.

Hamburg collaboration paves the way to cleaner technologies for industry

Science & Technology An interdisciplinary collaboration between Hamburg scientists has yielded new insights into the structure and function of a heat-resistant enzyme from an exotic microbe. In this interview, EMBL Hamburg’s Matthias Wilmanns and TUHH’s Garo Antranikian discuss how their collaboration developed and…



6 July 2017

CSSB opens its doors

ConnectionsLab Matters On 29 June, at a ceremony in front of 700 guests, the Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB) in Hamburg, was officially opened. At the event on the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) Campus in Hamburg, Helmut Dosch, Chairman of the DESY Board of Directors, presented Head of EMBL Hamburg…



14 June 2016

How cells bag their rubbish

Science & Technology How cells eliminate protein deposits that can lead to neurodegenerative disorders



10 May 2016 A small loop (green) of the atomic structure of DAPK shown to be crucial for dimer formation and binding with its signaling partner Calmodulin. IMAGE: Petra Riedinger/EMBL

Enzyme with a dual-purpose loop

Science & Technology Unexpected results: structure of DAPK enzyme reveals dual-purpose loop



18 January 2016 A peroxisome containing protein crystals is hit by a free-electron laser. IMAGE: EMBL/CFEL, Thomas Seine

The cellular crystal factory

Science & Technology Hamburg collaborators analyse protein crystals inside the cells that made them.



14 February 2011 3D structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis’ enzyme PriA

Two in one

Science & Technology In a paper published online today in PNAS, scientists from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Hamburg, Germany, reveal new insights into the workings of enzymes from a group of bacteria including Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes tuberculosis. The new findings…




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