Make it personal
Could there come a time when each person's genome will be sequenced at birth, to predict and prevent genetic diseases? Leading scientists will gather in Heidelberg this November to discuss the potential of personalised health.

The deadline is fast approaching for the first EMBL | Stanford Conference: Personalised Health, which will take place in the EMBL Advanced Training Centre in Heidelberg, Germany, from 16 to 19 November 2015. This kick-off event follows the signing of a Life Science Alliance between Stanford University and EMBL, and aims to bring together young researchers and worldwide leaders in the efforts to apply molecular approaches to personalised health.
We particularly encourage young researchers to participate
“Genomics is changing the way medicine is carried out, making it more personalised, precise and preventive,” says Lars Steinmetz, Associate Head of the Genome Biology Unit at EMBL Heidelberg and Professor of Genetics at Stanford, and one of the conference organisers, adding “We particularly encourage young researchers to participate, since they will be the ones to drive personalised medicine into the future.”
Experts in fields ranging from basic biomedical research to clinical applications will discuss the most recent advances in personalised health, addressing the promises and challenges of bringing systems biology research into medical practice. Vision talks and keynote presentations by renowned speakers will be complemented by poster flash talks, where everyone who presents a poster will be able to give the audience a teaser for their work. Topics will cover the molecular basis of health and disease, experimental models to develop and validate systems-wide medical approaches before bringing them into humans, as well as clinical and ethical issues that must be considered to bring these new approaches into the realm of public health.
Abstract submission for this conference closes 20 August 2015. For more information and to register, visit www.embl.de/training/events/2015/PEH15-01.
Conference Organisers:
Lars Steinmetz: EMBL Heidelberg, Germany & Stanford University, USA
Judith Zaugg: EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
Michael Snyder: Stanford University, USA
Wolfgang Huber: EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
Peer Bork: EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
Jan Ellenberg: EMBL Heidelberg, Germany