What’s on in 2016
With 28 conferences and 57 courses, 2016 will be EMBL’s most eventful year to date.

Two halves make a whole
Of the many conferences at EMBL Heidelberg in 2016, half are newly established meetings. Topics include: actin, the epitranscriptome, hematopoietic stem cells, lifelong learning in the biomedical sciences, proteomics in cell biology, core technologies, organoids, 3D microscopy, big data in biology and health, structural biology of molecular machines, innate immunity, and aquatic microeukaryotes
Two new meetings are organised as part of a brand new conference series in collaboration with the Wellcome Genome Campus, in which events will alternate yearly between Heidelberg in Germany and Hinxton in the UK.
Another exciting addition to the 2016 programme is the EMBL-DFG Women in Science Network Conference, where renowned female speakers will present their research on a broad range of topics, complemented by various networking activities for all participants.
Alongside the new are well-established meetings like VIZBI, Microfluidics, Transcription and Chromatin, and The Complex Life of mRNA. To coincide with the 50th anniversary of the discovery of tubulin, Microtubules: From Atoms to Complex Systems returns, this time as an EMBO|EMBL Symposium.
Courses to cover it all
Are you looking to get hands on experience with the latest NGS techniques, bioinformatics tools, microscopy methods or practical molecular biology workflows? Nearly 60 courses will be held across EMBL’s sites in 2016. These courses provide invaluable new skills to take your research to the next level, giving access to excellent teachers, state-of-the-art instruments, and interactions with fellow scientists from your field.
Fellowships and fee waivers
Thanks to the generous support of its Corporate Partners, EMBL is pleased to announce that fellowships to attend several scientific meetings and courses will continue in 2016.
“The support from our Corporate Partners is tremendously important, especially for the many young scientists who can only attend our scientific events thanks to these fellowships,” says Jürgen Deka, Scientific Coordinator of EMBL’s International Centre for Advanced Training (EICAT). “Most of the selected recipients are in the very early stages of their scientific careers, and attending a course or conference at EMBL gives them the opportunity to meet and network with the best scientists in their field.”
Attending a course or conference at EMBL gives the opportunity to meet and network with the best scientists in their field.
More than 230 fee waivers and travel grants will ensure that talented scientists are not precluded from making their contribution to events at EMBL due to insufficient funding. Travel grants are also available from EMBO and Boehringer Ingelheim Funds – for more information on criteria and deadlines please check individual course or conference websites.
Get connected
Imagine arriving at an EMBL conference, you register and start looking around for familiar faces: Do you see anyone you know? Can you identify the speakers, potential collaborators, friends and employers? It can be a little overwhelming to walk up to someone and start a conversation – to make it easier for you to network in 2016, EMBL conferences introduce new features:
Buttons, buttons and more buttons!
For an easy way to make connections through shared interests, wear buttons with keywords to help you quickly and easily identify participants’ interests. Find the button that relates to you or your work and use it as a conversation starter (then keep it as a souvenir!).
Speed Networking
Scientific speed dating is a lively way to bring delegates and speakers together at an informal and relaxed networking event. Participants gather at a welcome reception and disperse among tables, then the fun beings – three minutes to talk about your work, job prospects or favourite techniques before the bell rings and everyone moves one seat clockwise. In one hour, you can meet at least 20 new people.

There’s an app for that
A new smartphone app will be available at most EMBL conferences in 2016. Download once to get access to all the events throughout the year. Available on- and offline, users can easily navigate the programme, poster abstracts, and exhibitor list, tweet about an interesting talk or connect with other people at the meeting.
Stay informed
A new webpage brings all event information together in one place: download event posters, read event newsletters and alerts, and sign up for regular emails. Alternatively, visit the ‘Browse by Subject’ list to see all events filtered by topic.