
10x Genomics joins EMBL’s Corporate Partnership Programme

Joining forces for single-cell research

10x Genomics joined EMBL's Corporate Partnership Programme
10x Genomics joined EMBL's Corporate Partnership Programme. IMAGE: 10x Genomics

California-based company 10x Genomics, Inc., whose innovative Chromium™ System was listed as one of The top 10 innovations of 2017 by The Scientist, joins the EMBL Advanced Training Centre Corporate Partnership Programme. Under the programme’s auspices, 10x Genomics and EMBL will serve a global community of single-cell investigators, providing advanced training in single-cell genomics and transcriptomics to be hosted in the Advanced Training Centre in Heidelberg.

Founded in 2009, EMBL’s Corporate Partnership Programme facilitates mutually beneficial relationships between world-class corporate partners and EMBL scientists.

In 2019, thanks to the generous support of 10x Genomics and current members of the programme, more than 200 talented young scientists will receive financial assistance to be able to contribute to and participate in advanced scientific training at EMBL.

Tags: corporate partnership programme, heidelberg, industry, partnerships, single-cell genomics, support embl, training

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