
Reviews: Life’s Blueprint

A review of Life’s Blueprint: The Science and Art of Embryo Creation by Benny Shilo

Benny Shilo is a multitalented man: his involvement as a molecular geneticist studying embryo development at the Weizmann Institute of Science is complemented by a sharp eye for patterns and a talent for photography. He combined these two interests into Life’s Blueprint, a work that reveals the wonders of developmental biology to the general public. From the role of genes in determining cell fate to the generation of complex tissues shapes, through to cell-cell communication, Shilo skillfully uses metaphors and simple, yet accurate, language to convey complex notions. He concludes by discussing future perspectives, including the possibility of generating healthy tissues and organs for medical purposes.

The understanding of key notions is facilitated by beautiful and meaningful visual cues

The understanding of key notions is facilitated by beautiful and meaningful visual cues: both a scientific image and a photograph of the macroscopic world, taken by Shilo, accompany each concept. Those having a deeper interest in the field can also find a list of recommended readings and web resources, together with a section providing details about the scientific images and the techniques used to acquire them. All these features make Life’s Blueprint indispensable reading for specialists and non-specialists alike.

Tags: review, science and society

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