New name for EMBL’s site in Italy
EMBL’s unit in Italy is changing name to reflect better its new research focuses and highlight its location for EMBL’s international audience.

EMBL’s unit in Italy is changing name to reflect better its new research focuses and highlight its location for EMBL’s international audience. It is now the:
Epigenetics and Neurobiology Unit
Becoming the “Epigenetics and Neurobiology Unit” places the unit in a forward-thinking dynamic, while being much more transparent than its previous title. This new title highlights the two topics in which the unit is strongest and aims to make a difference in the next few years. Recent recruitments also go in that direction: with Hiroki Asari and Jamie Hackett having recently set up their labs and Matthieu Boulard soon to arrive.
The new denomination should also make it more straightforward for EMBL’s international audience to locate the site and, as a consequence, improve its visibility and support the recruitment of new talent. Our beautiful host town of Monterotondo is within the municipality of Rome, just a short suburban train ride from the city centre.
More details about this change are also available on the new blog run by the team based in Rome: On Genes, Brains & Beer.