Celebrating 25 years of EMBL Rome
EMBL Rome celebrates its 25th anniversary this year – some impressions of the symposium and party organised for staff and alumni to mark this special occasion

On 25 October 2024, EMBL Rome staff, alumni, and friends gathered to celebrate the 25th anniversary of EMBL’s Italian site.
The event was attended by over 250 people. Most of them were alumni from all over the world who had not returned to the campus for many years.

The first part of the event featured keynote presentations given by: (picture below, from top-left to right) Walter Witke (Group Leader from 1998 to 2009), Nadia Rosenthal (Head of Unit from 2001 to 2012) and Phil Avner (Head of Unit from 2012 to 2020).
The other speakers were former PhD students, postdocs, and group leaders who talked about their time at EMBL Rome and their careers and accomplishments after leaving EMBL. From middle-left to right: Laura Batti, Mariano Maffei, Rosa Chiara Paolicelli, Paschalis Kratsios, Kristina Havas, Donal O’Carroll.

Coffee breaks gave the opportunity for networking and for poster presentations by EMBL Rome groups and facilities.

The talks were followed by the Lab Olympics, a competition organised by the Hackett group. Participants organised in teams had to pass a series of sequential skill tests. From the ‘Tip Toss’ to the wet glove test, each performance provided hilarious moments!

The evening party saw the long-awaited reunion of Black6, the band composed of current and former EMBL Rome staff, who used to perform at the institute’s most memorable parties. Music and dancing continued until late evening, and enhanced the special atmosphere of a day that will remain in the fondest memories of all participants.

Photo credits: Doc Servizi