EMBL consolidates ties with Sapienza University
EMBL and the Sapienza University of Rome confirm their reciprocal interest in intensifying collaborations and launch new opportunities for exchange of expertise

Representatives from EMBL and Sapienza University have met in Rome to sign a renewal of their Memorandum of Understanding. The aim is to deepen and expand areas of collaboration between the two institutions and ensure greater connectivity in research, better use of available facilities and continued circulation of talent between EMBL and the Italian scientific community.
EMBL and Sapienza University have a long history of collaboration. As a result of a Collaboration Agreement signed in 2015, students enrolled in EMBL’s International PhD Programme can apply for a PhD degree awarded jointly by EMBL and Sapienza University. Currently, connections have been established with the Genetics & Molecular Biology and with the Behavioral Neurosciences PhD programmes at Sapienza. The original agreement, valid for six years, will be formally renewed in 2022.
Past collaboration between the two organisations also resulted in the organization of scientific seminars in areas of common interest. Since 2014, EMBL and Sapienza have been co-organising a special seminar series that invites outstanding international speakers in neurobiology and epigenetics. In 2021, a new seminar series on emerging technologies was started as a joint effort to share complementary expertise.
“The renewal of the agreement between Sapienza and EMBL is an important opportunity to take stock of this collaboration that has been consolidated for many years,” said Irene Bozzoni, Professor at Sapienza University and member of EMBL’s Scientific Advisory Committee. “At Sapienza we are very satisfied with how the scientific relationship with EMBL has evolved over the years. Many programs have been intensified and many collaborations have been consolidated. The joint seminars represent an important moment of knowledge and exchange that has further contributed to forging scientific ties, even among young researchers. We are therefore happy and honoured to continue this program and to be able to further enrich it with other initiatives in the future”.
“With the signing of this MoU, Sapienza strengthens its international vocation for research excellence,” said Sapienza Vice Rector Bruno Botta. “EMBL, with its 27 member states and 110 research groups, and Sapienza, among the largest Universities in Europe, can together formulate a new research paradigm, developing innovative techniques and technologies and leading a journey with unexplored boundaries.”
In addition to the already existing collaborative links, new ones will be created with particular focus on the themes of EMBL’s scientific Programme 2022-2026 ‘Molecules to Ecosystems’. Moreover, while EMBL Rome will remain at the heart of the collaboration, the MoU will aim to encourage and incite links between Sapienza and EMBL groups at other sites.
“As a host country, Italy is of utmost importance to EMBL,” said EMBL Director General Edith Heard. “The renewal of our MoU with the Sapienza University as a longstanding and reliable collaborator will further strengthen our aim to promote the sharing of knowledge, initiate new ambitious research projects across disciplines, and provide excellence in training to Italian life scientists.”