EMBL external research community survey
EMBL is conducting an Impact Assessment of our experimental services to understand the value these services have for our external user community

If you have accessed EMBL experimental services at one or more of our facilities to support the conduct of your research, we would like to hear from you.
EMBL experimental services include:
- EMBL Hamburg: the beamlines, macromolecular X-ray crystallography or sample preparation and characterisation services.
- EMBL Grenoble: the MX or bioSAXS beamlines at the ESRF owned by the ESRF and jointly operated by the ESRF-EMBL Joint Structural Biology Group, or the Cryo electron microscope (CM01) at ESRF operated by the European Photon and Neutron campus partners.
- EMBL Heidelberg: the microscopy, chemical biology, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics or protein expression and purification services.
- EMBL Rome: the flow cytometry, microscopy, genetic and viral engineering or gene editing and embryology services.
- EMBL Barcelona: the selective plane illumination microscopy (SPIM)/light-sheet microscopy or optical projection tomography services.
Please take the time to fill out the survey – your participation is extremely important to inform the assessment.
The survey will remain open until 30 June 2021 and should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete.
We appreciate your time and input, and please feel free to share this survey with other users.
Best wishes,
Edith Heard
Director General
European Molecular Biology Laboratory