EMBL Rome’s Gene Editing and Embryology Facility generates transgenic mice to understand human diseases
The facility supports scientists worldwide with scientific expertise and state-of-the-art gene editing technologies.
EMBL’s services and facilities provide scientific and technical expertise to EMBL staff, as well as to scientists from EMBL’s member states and around the world, giving them access to world-class infrastructure and resources.
This short video shows the fruitful collaboration between Mariangela Morlando’s group at the Sapienza University in Rome and the Gene Editing and Embryology Facility (GEEF) at EMBL Rome. Using CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology, the GEEF generated a mouse model that recapitulates the main features of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) in humans. Hopefully, this mouse model will help identify new therapeutic targets to tackle this devastating disease.
The GEEF provides a complete service, from the initial concept to the final product – a new transgenic mouse or cell line. The centralised service has significant advantages by providing a pool of experience and expertise that reduces and refines the numbers of mice required to generate new genetically altered lines.