EMBLetc. receives digital-first makeover
The biannual magazine that highlights EMBL’s research, people, and projects now has a new online home
EMBLetc. – the magazine that highlights the exciting science and talented scientists at EMBL, Europe’s leading life sciences research institute – has had a digital-first makeover. Read the first fully-digital issue here.
Started more than 20 years ago as a printed newsletter for EMBL staff and alumni, EMBLetc. was driven by “the need for an efficient way to spread the word on issues relevant to the entire Laboratory,” as noted in its first issue. On the occasion of EMBL’s 40th anniversary in 2014, it was redesigned as a modern print publication that provided more in-depth science coverage. Over recent years, it has grown into an important channel for communicating the impact of EMBL’s activities to the wider community in our member states as well as globally.
Our new digital-first direction represents EMBL’s move towards more sustainable publications, which began with the Annual Report 2021. The digital format helps us take a more interactive, multimedia-focused approach to storytelling, share articles more easily, and gather feedback on articles’ quality and relevance more quickly. In addition, it helps us reduce our environmental impact by eliminating the need for printed pages.
The stories in the inaugural digital edition represent the breadth and depth of EMBL’s research and offerings, and the frequent cross-collaborations that are nurtured here, both across disciplines and within different parts of the organisation.
Begin by taking a deep dive into a project that is uniting scientists across disciplinary boundaries in an attempt to peek inside one of the world’s tiniest microorganisms in unprecedented detail.
In this issue, you can also find out: how an EMBL Hamburg researcher is working to understand the structure of rhodopsins – molecular solar panels, how a team at EMBL Heidelberg is leveraging a new and unique pesticide library to understand environmental impacts, and what led researchers to say #WeFreezeonTheBeach in Iceland this summer. We also recap the CABANA project, which contributed to building and strengthening bioinformatics capacity in Latin America for five years.
EMBLetc. also continues to celebrate EMBL’s amazing staff and alumni. Issue 99 includes a list of recent awards and honours received by EMBL scientists and staff. We also learn how the TV show “Superquark” inspired one EMBL alumna to pursue a career in science, ultimately going on to study the evolution of the vertebrate brain. And we hear from another scientist who began her career in cancer research at EMBL, later transitioned to industry to create translational impact, but then returned to academia to continue her adventures in fundamental research.
Just like its previous versions, in this new digital-first EMBLetc., we remain committed to delivering content that is engaging, inspiring, and thought-provoking. We welcome your feedback. Do share the publication widely with friends, family, and colleagues!
You can also check out our archive of past EMBLetc. issues here, going back 25 years.