Your favourite reads of 2017
A look back at some of the most read stories on EMBL’s news website this year

From the launch of a new site in Barcelona to the election of Edith Heard as EMBL’s new Director General to EMBL alumnus Jacques Dubochet scooping the Nobel Prize for Chemistry, 2017 has been an incredible year at EMBL.
Lipids in real time
A new technique developed at EMBL reveals the way fats interact with other molecules in cells, allowing scientists to study lipids in a whole living cell at timescales of just a few seconds.
Blood stem cell differentiation is continuous
In another research success story, Lars Steinmetz’s group at EMBL, in collaboration with collaborators at the German Cancer Research Centre, discovered that stem cells evolve into a specific cell type without passing through intermediate cell types.
Further reading:
Research highlights
Glimpse into EMBL’s latest research with the first edition of this series and learn about EMBL scientists’ latest discoveries.
James Sharpe appointed Head of EMBL Barcelona
In May, James Sharpe was appointed Head of EMBL’s Barcelona site. The new unit, which focuses on tissue biology and disease modelling, will make state-of-the-art imaging technologies such as optical projection tomography – a method invented by Sharpe – available to scientists worldwide.
Further reading:
The story behind EMBL’s Barcelona site
EMBL Director General, Iain Mattaj, reflects on the work done to establish a new EMBL site in Barcelona.
Behind the scenes: Building EMBL’s Barcelona site
Silke Schumacher, EMBL’s Director of International Relations, shares how the new EMBL site in Barcelona came into being.
EMBL Council selects next Director General
Edith Heard was selected as EMBL’s fifth Director General by the EMBL Council in June. Heard, whose mandate will begin on 1 January 2019, is the first woman to be appointed as EMBL Director General. The selection committee commended Heard’s clear scientific vision, participatory leadership style and engagement at all levels of research, service and training.
CSSB opens its doors
The Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB) was inaugurated this summer. The CSSB will enhance collaboration, innovation and mentoring opportunities for young researchers working on structural biology.
New name for EMBL’s site in Italy
The name of EMBL’s unit in Italy has been changed to Epigenetics and Neurobiology Unit, EMBL Rome, a name that better reflects its new research focuses and highlights its location for EMBL’s international audience.
Cyclists rise to charity challenge
A group of EMBLers biked from Heidelberg to Grenoble, completing 905 kilometres in five days to raise money for the children’s hospital in Heidelberg.
Bioinformatics in Latin America
EMBL-EBI began a collaboration with nine research institutes in Latin America to launch the CABANA project, which aims to speed up the implementation of data-driven biology in Latin America.
Funding agreed for new imaging centre
German state and federal governments agreed on funding for a high-resolution microscopy centre at EMBL Heidelberg. The new centre for light and electron microscopy will be a unique service facility for the life sciences and unite cutting-edge equipment, experts and data analysis.
Jacques Dubochet awarded Nobel Prize for chemistry
A technique first developed at EMBL in Heidelberg was recognised with a Nobel Prize in October, when EMBL alumnus Jacques Dubochet was awarded the chemistry prize for developing a method to freeze thin layers of solutions of enzymes or viruses without forming ice crystals. The technique has enabled the use of cryo-electron microscopy in the life sciences.
Further reading:
A curious case of serendipity
Dubochet reflected on his achievement for EMBL’s news site.
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