Hungary becomes EMBL member state
EMBL welcomes its 23rd member state, with a promising collaboration already in place
On 13 April EMBL welcomed Hungary as its 23rd member state, highlighting EMBL’s commitment to promoting international science and forming close ties with researchers across Europe. “This is an important step for EMBL, and for life science research in Hungary,” said EMBL’s Director General Iain Mattaj. “We’re very pleased to have them join us as a new member state.”
Hungary’s accession to EMBL builds on collaborations that go back several years. Hungary became an EMBL prospect member state in 2014, giving Hungarian delegates observer status in EMBL’s governing body and providing Hungarian researchers with access to EMBL’s facilities and services. And just nine days before Hungary joined as a member state, delegates gathered for a ceremony in Budapest to celebrate funding awards for two new Hungarian centres of excellence – one of them involving an important collaboration with EMBL.
This is an important step for EMBL, and for life science research in Hungary
EMBL will be teamed with the Hungarian Centre of Excellence for Molecular Medicine (HCEMM) to share expertise and work in partnership with Hungarian researchers. HCEMM will focus particularly on translational medicine, in which the aim is to undertake projects that will have relatively rapid clinical applications. Initial research will concentrate on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, and of cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases.
The project received funding under the European Commission’s ‘Teaming’ initiative, in which leading European institutions are partnered with other institutions or regions that are less established in the fields of research and innovation, with the aim of creating new centres of excellence across the continent. The Teaming initiative is part of the Commission’s funding programme known as Horizon 2020.
“The Teaming initiative is very important to EMBL,” said Jana Pavlic, EMBL’s Joint Head of Government and EU Relations. “We want to go hand in hand with our partners to strengthen ties and transfer the EMBL model of excellence.”