Sharing our passion for science with the world
EMBL participates in the virtual seminar series ‘Life Science Across the Globe’

The coronavirus pandemic reminds us all of the importance of international collaboration and exchange to tackle the scientific challenges we jointly face.
Although the pandemic has largely brought conferences and in-person meetings to a halt, EMBL has been delivering virtual courses, conferences and training for several months, and is now proud to join the virtual seminar series ‘Life Science Across the Globe’ starting on 1 July.
The timely initiative will foster international scientific exchange across countries and continents, and has been launched by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s (HHMI) Janelia Research Campus in the United States.
The virtual seminar series will spotlight research happening at biological science institutes in North and South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Every Wednesday, speakers from one of the eight participating sister institutions will share two talks via Zoom: one on recent research and another on the culture of science. Anyone is welcome to join. Beyond sharing science and research across borders, the seminar series will encourage closer collaborations between the participating institutes in future.
‘Life Science Across the Globe’ participating institutes are:
- 1 July: HHMI Janelia Research Campus (Ashburn, Virginia, USA)
- 8 July: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (Cold Spring Harbor, New York, USA)
- 15 July: University of Buenos Aires–CONICET (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- 22 July: MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (Cambridge, UK)
- 29 July: EMBL (Barcelona, Grenoble, Hamburg, Heidelberg, Hinxton, Rome)
- 5 August: Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine, University of Cape Town (Cape Town, South Africa)
- 12 August: National Centre for Biological Sciences (Bangalore, India)
- 19 August: Center for Life Sciences, Tsinghua University and Peking University (Beijing, China)
Further information can be found on the seminar series website.