Snowy day
Colder winter weather has finally arrived at most of our sites, including some snow falls at EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) in Hinxton. It’s the first time the site has seen snow this winter.
The snow covered not only the grass but also the artistic spheres located on the Wellcome Genome Campus. Created by Colin Rose in 2005, the three spheres located on the plaza are a celebration of life, to complement the data being used here for research. Making them out of mirrored stainless steel includes the observer in the art by simply looking at it.
While the snow at Hinxton only lasted for a couple of hours before EMBL-EBI experienced sunshine again and the snow melted, it was perfect timing for the launch of the EMBL PhD Corporate Winter School, as Patricia Cabezas – who took this image – stated. The winter school took place at EMBL-EBI in the last days of February. It provides opportunities for PhD students to present a business idea to a critical audience, to start a company during their PhD, and to work in a start-up company.
If you have a stunning picture of your science, your lab or your site, you can submit it here.