


7 December 2021 A cartoon image showing a person's arm and a needle with a vaccine being injected into it. The text on the left reads: "EMBL research: How structural biologists at EMBL Hamburg help to develop and improve RNA vaccines"

How structural biology helps to make RNA vaccines

Science & Technology RNA vaccines, such as the ones for COVID-19, represent a new approach in vaccine technology. Cy Jeffries, faculty staff scientist at EMBL Hamburg, explains the clever technology behind RNA vaccines, and how structural biology contributes to its development. EMBL Hamburg collaborated on several…



1 December 2020 The image shows the beamline P12 at EMBL Hamburg. In the centre, several cylindrical elements are connected into a pipe-like structure. In the front, it is connected to a white box-shaped device, and several smaller devices and cables visible around. There is also a grid visible around the beamline.

EMBL facilities support development of RNA vaccines

Science & Technology Biotechnology company BioNTech and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz conduct collaborative research with EMBL scientists at the beamline P12 in Hamburg



16 February 2017

Beamline 14’s legacy

Lab MattersScience & Technology Beamline BM14 in Grenoble shuts down, continues collaboration with India



24 November 2016 SPIM image of Medaka juveniles. Photo: EMBL/Philipp Keller

Thinking in 3D

People & Perspectives Ernst Stelzer earns 2016 Lennart Philipson award for advances in light sheet microscopy



21 June 2014 Ocean Sampling Day 2014

Capturing marine biodiversity

Science & Technology Data from first ever worldwide Ocean Sampling Day will be shared via EMBL-EBI resources this autumn.



7 August 2011 The new microscope that developed by scientists at EMBL, which can follow single molecules by the millisecond Credit: EMBL/H.Neves.

Live from the scene: biochemistry in action

Science & Technology Researchers can now watch molecules move in living cells, literally millisecond by millisecond, thanks to a new microscope developed by scientists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany. Published online today in Nature Biotechnology, the new technique provides…



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