

core facility

10 July 2024

Leveraging expertise across EMBL services

Connections A scientific workshop on flow cytometry was organised at EMBL Rome, taking advantage of the presence of the Advanced Mobile Laboratory, the biggest unit of EMBL’s mobile lab fleet.



15 November 2023 Two male scientists in lab coats looking at.a computer screen

Embracing the genome sequencing revolution

EMBLetc EMBL’s Genomics Core Facility provides end-to-end support to researchers across Europe and beyond and stands at the forefront of scientific breakthroughs.


18 August 2023 On green-hued multi-coloured background are four circle photographs of scientists working with high-tech equipment

Bringing scientific services together ‘2RISE’

Connections An upcoming EMBL-led infrastructure management training will help formalise information exchange in the Rhine-Neckar region to widen access to technology and scientific services for members of the Health + Life Science Alliance.



19 January 2022 "From Molecules to Ecosystems" are words on top of a collage of images that span from molecules to ecosystems

A new era for European molecular biology

EMBL AnnouncementsLab Matters EMBL announces details about its next programme, ‘Molecules to Ecosystems’. It will guide studying life across scales and in context with changing environments.



22 October 2021 Oblong shape with two holes and coloured dots inside, representing phytoplankton cells and nitrogen-fixing bacteria

Analysis and sorting with flow cytometry

Lab MattersScience & Technology A technology around since the ‘60s, flow cytometry has increasing applications. New leadership at EMBL’s flow cytometry facilities is looking to ease use, expand training, and encourage more collaboration.



5 October 2021 Illustration of a globe with colourful shapes and symbols superimposed.

A cellular atlas of an entire worm

Science & Technology EMBL scientists and colleagues have developed an interactive atlas of the entire marine worm Platynereis dumerilii in its larval stage. The PlatyBrowser resource combines high-resolution gene expression data with volume electron microscopy images.



23 September 2021 Pink and blue dominate a blurry image against a black background that is actually a global image of a 30-day-old Octopus vulgaris

The secret life of baby octopuses

Science & Technology Some of the most amazing creatures live in the deep blue sea. The Mesoscopic Imaging Facility (MIF) at EMBL Barcelona was recently involved in studying one unique feature of the octopus: the ephemeral structures on the surface of their skin called Kölliker’s organs.



8 September 2021 Illustration of two halves of a pill, which releases chemical molecules that are taken up by gut bacteria in the vicinity.

Common medications accumulate in gut bacteria

Science & Technology A new collaborative study led by EMBL group leaders Kiran Patil, Nassos Typas, and Peer Bork has found that common medications accumulate in human gut bacteria. This process reduces drug effectiveness and affects the metabolism of common gut microbes, thereby altering the gut microbiome.



7 September 2021 Close up of the interior of a light-sheet microscope, featuring optical equipment and a transparent cube.

A flip book for biological systems

Science & Technology In the Mesoscopic Imaging Facility (MIF) at EMBL Barcelona, researchers study the details of biological systems in the context of organs, body parts, or entire organisms. This image shows OPTiSPIM1, one of the custom light-sheet microscope setups available at the facility.



23 June 2021 Bright blue oblong shape with white hairs on surface on black background.

Starlet sea anemone

Science & Technology EMBL PhD student Anniek Stokkermans captured this side view of a Nematostella vectensis larva during this transition, using instrumentation in the Advanced Light Microscopy Facility at EMBL Heidelberg.



8 June 2021 Purple, blue and yellow dots on a black background.

Dream team

Science & Technology At EMBL, we have many dream teams – groups of individuals who support each other, innovate, and work together. One of those dream teams bridges two core facilities at EMBL Rome.



16 February 2021 Microscopy images of coronavirus-infected cells in blue and red, arranged on a clockface. Illustrations of virus particles.

Finding coronavirus’s helper proteins

Science & Technology A team of EMBL scientists and colleagues have analysed how the novel coronavirus affects proteins in human cells. They identified several human proteins as potential drug targets to prevent viral replication.



19 January 2021 3D rendering of a human cell, attacked by a virus.

Cell under attack

Science & Technology It’s almost a year since the coronavirus outbreak was declared a pandemic, affecting all our lives. While the virus continues its grip on the world, scientists are understanding it better and better, increasing our knowledge about it and opening up new ways to fight it.



2 December 2020 Dark purple image with flashes of orange, gold, pink and paler purple that look a bit like lightning with a small sun-like image in the upper right section of the image

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative recognises EMBL scientists

EMBL AnnouncementsLab Matters The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative has recognised four EMBL researchers with their most recent awards, showing how tech trailblazers are integral to advancing science and medicine.



23 November 2020 Tube-like structures of a cell at sub-cellular level in red and grey.

Replication cycle of SARS-CoV-2 in 3D

Science & Technology Researchers have studied SARS-CoV-2 replication in cells and obtained detailed insights into the alterations induced in infected cells. This information is essential to guide the development of urgently needed therapeutic strategies for suppressing viral replication and induced pathology.



17 November 2020 Internal structures of the lower portion of a mouse lung display as a conical shape, displaying a variety of brilliant colours.

ARISE fellowship programme readying for applications

Lab Matters Ever-evolving technology and related budgetary, regulatory, and management challenges prompted EMBL to establish its new ARISE fellowship programme, which begins accepting applicants in December.



8 October 2020 Alvaro Crevenna, heads EMBL Rome’s Microscopy Facility. Credit: EMBL

Beyond the lens – microscopy at EMBL Rome

Lab MattersScience & Technology Research facilities play a crucial role in the advancement of science by supporting scientists with specialised expertise and state-of-the-art equipment. The Microscopy Facility at EMBL Rome exemplifies this role by making a wide variety of light microscopy technologies available to its researchers…



10 September 2020 Two researchers at EMBL's state-of-the-art Electron Microscopy Core Facility (EMCF). A female scientist is using a binocular microscope, a male scientist is standing next to her.

Level up!

Lab Matters ARISE fellowships to offer first-ever comprehensive training for bioscience infrastructure operations



16 April 2020 Micropipette tips in a liquid-handling robot

Helping to scale up coronavirus testing

Science & Technology Scientists at EMBL Heidelberg are contributing their expertise in a community effort to develop large-scale testing methods for coronavirus. Their goal is to increase the capacity and speed of testing, which is crucial for containing the pandemic.



15 April 2020 Purified proteins on an SDS-polyacrylamide gel

Producing proteins for coronavirus research

Science & Technology The Protein Expression and Purification Core Facility at EMBL Heidelberg will produce proteins for several coronavirus-related research projects, to assist the development of new strategies to fight the virus.



2 April 2020 Map showing institutes involved with EMBL in Twinning projects

EMBL shares expertise with four European institutes

ConnectionsLab Matters Three international teams involving EMBL Heidelberg have been granted funding from the European Commission for three Twinning projects with institutes in Portugal and the Czech Republic.



23 October 2019 Steffen Lemke and Jakob Keck Genomics Core Facility

Engineering bacteria to fight diabetes

Science & Technology EMBL’s Genomics Core Facility supports students participating in the annual iGEM competition.



25 January 2016 Kim Remans heads EMBL's Protein Expression and Purification Core Facility. PHOTO: EMBL Photolab/Marietta Schupp

Welcome: Kim Remans

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives "We’re open! We’re open to working with everybody, we’re open to new things."



30 November 2015 Malte Paulsen. PHOTO: EMBL Photlab/Marietta Schupp

Welcome: Malte Paulsen

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives "There’s nothing nicer than seeing a user leave the facility happy"



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