


4 July 2023 Photos of the three scientists elected as EMBO members on green background.

EMBL scientists elected to EMBO Membership

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives Three EMBL group leaders and six EMBL alumni were recognised for their contributions to the life sciences.



15 September 2021 A dark blue classic star map view is overlaid upon scientific data

Charting a multi-omic universe

Science & Technology A research collaboration used machine learning to map tumour molecular make-up, potentially paving way to more customised cancer treatment.



9 March 2021 Wolfgang Huber faces the camera smiling

Wolfgang Huber becomes ISCB Fellow

EMBL AnnouncementsLab Matters The contribution of EMBL Group Leader and Senior Scientist Wolfgang Huber has been recognised by the International Society for Computational Biology



27 April 2020 Artistic rendering of an RNA-binding protein interacting with an RNA molecule.

Helping researchers identify host proteins used by coronavirus

Science & Technology EMBL scientists working in the groups of Matthias Hentze and Wolfgang Huber have created RBPbase – a database of RNA-binding proteins – to assist the identification of proteins that interact with the SARS-CoV-2 RNA genome.



2 April 2020 Map showing institutes involved with EMBL in Twinning projects

EMBL shares expertise with four European institutes

ConnectionsLab Matters Three international teams involving EMBL Heidelberg have been granted funding from the European Commission for three Twinning projects with institutes in Portugal and the Czech Republic.



6 March 2011 By silencing genes two at a time in cells like these, the scientists can analyse the genes’ combined effects. In this microscopy image of human cells, nuclei are shown in red, cell membranes in green, and the cellular scaffolding in blue.

Suggesting genes’ friends, facebook-style

Science & Technology Scientists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and the German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ), both in Heidelberg, Germany, have developed a new method that uncovers the combined effects of genes. Published online today in Nature Methods, it helps understand how different genes can…



25 January 2009

Re-write the textbooks: transcription is bidirectional

Science & Technology Genes that contain instructions for making proteins make up less than 2% of the human genome. Yet, for unknown reasons, most of our genome is transcribed into RNA. The same is true for many other organisms that are easier to study than humans. Researchers in the groups of Lars Steinmetz at the…



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