


27 August 2024 In the foreground is a photoacoustic dye from the red end of the visible spectrum that is ‘turned on’. It produces an ultrasound emission that can be detected and measured. A dye that is ‘turned off’ is shown in the left background.

Seeing into the depths

Science & Technology EMBL scientists applied molecular engineering to build photoacoustic probes to label and visualise neurons deep within brain tissue.



14 May 2024

Toby Gibson: what I’ve learned

People & Perspectives Toby Gibson reflects on 38 years at EMBL, the scientific tools he built along the way, and the state of science today.



7 July 2023 InterPro logo

InterPro 95.0 released

InterPro version 95.0 and InterProScan 5.63-95.0 are now available! InterPro now features hundreds of new methods integrated from partner databases, and InterProScan draws on over 39000 entries. InterPro version 95.0 – new features include: InterPro 95.0 covers 81.7% of UniProt Knowledgebase…



7 March 2023 InterPro logo

New releases: InterPro 93.0 and InterProScan 5.61-93.0

InterPro now features hundreds of new methods integrated from partner databases, and InterProScan draws on over 38,000 entries. InterPro version 93.0 InterPro 93.0 integrates 300 new methods from the CDD (261), PANTHER (12), PROSITE profiles (17), SMART (9), TIGRFAMs (1) databases, and covers 81.7%…



1 August 2022

Shining a light on how bacteria interact

Science & Technology Machine learning has helped researchers uncover new insights into how bacteria infect host cells.



28 January 2022 Collage with protein structure in the background and text in the foreground. Text says "17 organisms on the WHO’s neglected tropical diseases list and 10 organisms on its antimicrobial resistance list"

AlphaFold update – neglected tropical diseases

Latest AlphaFold database update adds 27 new organisms and almost 200,000 new protein structure predictions relevant to neglected tropical diseases and antimicrobial resistance



15 June 2021 Small star-like objects are scattered throughout a black background

Twinkle, twinkle, little nuclear pore complex

Science & Technology As perfect as a summer night sky, these nuclear pores help calibrate a customised super-resolution microscope in EMBL’s Ries group.



27 April 2021 Three irregular shapes, made up of green, blue, red and pink speckles, are set against a black background.

SARS-CoV-2 curtails immune response in the gut

Science & Technology EMBL scientists, together with collaborators from Heidelberg University, have provided further evidence of the gut’s role in COVID-19.



9 December 2020 Illustration of a rod-shaped bacterial cell, superimposed on a red and blue background.

Heating proteins to understand how genes work

Science & Technology A new paper from EMBL’s Savitski team and Typas group describes their work on E. coli and how it brings a greater understanding of the way genes function and interact.



4 December 2020 Haemoglobin protein structure shown over a matrix symbolising artificial intelligence

Solving the protein structure puzzle

Science & Technology How artificial intelligence can help us solve the mysteries of the protein universe



1 September 2020 larval fruit fly cells

A luminous larval love light

Science & Technology Those heart-shaped cells aren't just for show. They help tell the story of two proteins working together



27 April 2020 Artistic rendering of an RNA-binding protein interacting with an RNA molecule.

Helping researchers identify host proteins used by coronavirus

Science & Technology EMBL scientists working in the groups of Matthias Hentze and Wolfgang Huber have created RBPbase – a database of RNA-binding proteins – to assist the identification of proteins that interact with the SARS-CoV-2 RNA genome.



18 July 2019 Heatmap representing the stability of an integral membrane proteins

First results from CSSB

Science & Technology EMBL scientists collaborate to develop new protocol for screening membrane protein stability



25 April 2019 The proteotype of an individual is substantially affected by both its sex and its diet.

Sex and diet affect proteotype

Science & Technology EMBL scientists have discovered that the proteome is substantially affected by both sex and diet



11 March 2011

Small code change, big effect

Science & Technology Scientists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany, have developed a new method which enables researchers to label any protein of their choice with any of a wide variety of previously available compounds, in living cells, by introducing a single reactive…



28 May 2009

Sugarcoating fruit fly development

Science & Technology Proteins are the executive agents that carry out all processes in a cell. Their activity is controlled and modified with the help of small chemical tags that can be dynamically added to and removed from the protein. 25 years after its first discovery, researchers at the European Molecular Biology…



8 January 2008

Life savers in the gut

Science & Technology Researchers from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) have discovered that proteins that regulate the body’s iron household play a vital role in making sure enough nutrients and water are absorbed in the intestine. Mice lacking these proteins suffer from weight loss and…



5 December 2007

The closest look ever at native human tissue

Science & Technology Seeing proteins in their natural environment and interactions inside cells has been a longstanding goal. Using an advanced microscopy technique called cryo-electron tomography, researchers from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) have visualised proteins responsible for cell-cell…



15 June 2007

Casting the molecular net

Science & Technology Scientists at the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute of Mount Sinai Hospital (Canada), the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (Germany), and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) have created a new computational method called NetworKIN. This method uses biological networks to better…



16 May 2007

Mechanism of microRNAs deciphered

Science & Technology Over 30% of our genes are under the control of small molecules called microRNAs. They prevent specific genes from being turned into protein and regulate many crucial processes like cell division and development, but how they do so has remained unclear. Now researchers from the European Molecular…



12 February 2007

A signal that protects the liver from hepatitis and cancer

Science & Technology Liver cancer is one of the deadliest cancers worldwide; every year sees more than 400,000 new cases, and most of the victims die in less than one year. Despite extensive research, the underlying molecular mechanisms of the disease are poorly understood. A new study by researchers from the Mouse…



29 December 2006

Roadworks on the motorways of the cell

Science & Technology A cell is a busy place. In a permanent rush hour, molecules are transported along a dynamic motorway system made up of filaments called microtubules. Microtubules constantly grow and shrink and are rapidly assembled wherever a cargo needs to go, but during this transportation process they need to…



6 August 2006

Alleviating the burden of Multiple Sclerosis

Science & Technology Depression, coordination and speech problems, muscle weakness and disability are just a few of the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Researchers from the Mouse Biology Unit of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Italy and the Department of Neuropathology at the Faculty of…



16 June 2006

Cracking a virus protection shield

Science & Technology Ebola, measles and rabies are serious threats to public health in developing countries. Despite different symptoms all of the diseases are caused by the same class of viruses that unlike most other living beings carry their genetic information on a single RNA molecule instead of a double strand of…



16 March 2006

A balancing act between the sexes

Science & Technology Recent research at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) reveals new insights into how cells achieve equality between the sexes. A new link discovered between the membrane surrounding the nucleus and the male X-chromosome in fruit flies may play a crucial role in determining how active…



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