

research infrastructure

20 April 2023 Photo of a human hand introducing a small element into a machine at the SPC Facility.

EMBL Hamburg joins northern European life science consortium

ConnectionsLab Matters EMBL Hamburg partners with the Hanseatic Life Science Research Infrastructure Consortium (HALRIC) to enhance life sciences research in Scandinavia and northern Germany. The consortium builds on the HALOS project to foster collaborations between industry, hospitals, and universities, leveraging…



12 October 2022 A group photo taken at the EMBL Heidelberg site, showing members of EMBL and the Ruder Boskovic Institute

EMBL deepens ties with Croatia

Connections Visit of delegation from the Ruđer Bošković Institute to EMBL Heidelberg marks a new chapter in scientific and institutional cooperation



24 January 2022 Three women are seen in front of a computer, with the electron micrograph of a woodlouse visible on the screens

EMBL Imaging Centre kickstarts training with workshop for undergraduates

Lab Matters The new EMBL Imaging Centre held its first on-site training workshop, introducing undergraduate students to the basics of volume electron microscopy. This marks the first of many opportunities to aid capacity-building in imaging techniques in Europe.



3 June 2021 Illustration of a rocky coastline with sailing boat, mountains, underwater organisms, bridge and factory in the background.

Living laboratories

Science & Technology Under the innovative Planetary Biology research theme, EMBL scientists aim to understand life in the context of its environment.



6 April 2021 A model of Glycine Transporter 1, which is located in the cell membrane. In its lower-middle part, it is bound by its inhibitor, which is a much smaller molecule. At its top, Glycine Transporter 1 is bound by a synthetic mini-antibody, called a sybody.

New perspectives for treating psychiatric disorders

Science & Technology Scientists have determined the structure of Glycine Transporter 1. The finding could open new avenues for developing therapeutics for psychiatric disorders



22 February 2021 A scientist (only their hand is visible) inserting a 96-well plate into a sample dispensing device in the Sample Preparation and Characterisation Facility in Hamburg.

SPC Facility in Hamburg supports a new pan-European consortium

ConnectionsLab Matters The Sample Preparation and Characterisation (SPC) Facility at EMBL Hamburg is one of the founding members of the Molecular-Scale Biophysics Research Infrastructure (MOSBRI). Within this new European initiative, the SPC Facility will offer services related to membrane proteins, protein complexes,…



17 November 2020 Internal structures of the lower portion of a mouse lung display as a conical shape, displaying a variety of brilliant colours.

ARISE fellowship programme readying for applications

Lab Matters Ever-evolving technology and related budgetary, regulatory, and management challenges prompted EMBL to establish its new ARISE fellowship programme, which begins accepting applicants in December.



4 May 2020

Nordic EMBL Partnership awarded €210,000 funding

ConnectionsLab Matters The Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine has been awarded 210,000 euros. The funds will be used to train the next generation of specialists and research leaders in molecular medicine in the Nordic countries.



3 May 2006

Free access to world-class biological databases for European science thanks to FELICS

ConnectionsLab Matters Today the European Molecular Biology Laboratory’s (EMBL) European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), the Swiss Institute for Bioinformatics (SIB), the University of Cologne, Germany, and the European Patent Office launch FELICS (Free European Life-science Information and Computational Services).…



10 January 2006

A major European Centre for Structural Biology inaugurated in Grenoble

Lab Matters On Friday, 13 January 2006, the new Carl-Ivar Brändén Building (CIBB) will be inaugurated on the Polygone Scientifique Campus in Grenoble, France. The CIBB will be operated as a collaboration between major international and national partners based in Grenoble and is a further step in the…



31 October 2005

ENFIN! Computational systems biology comes to a lab bench near you

Lab MattersScience & Technology The Commission of the European Union has awarded EUR 9 million over five years for a new Network of Excellence that will make computational systems biology accessible to bench scientists throughout Europe and beyond. ENFIN, which stands for ‘Experimental Network for Functional…



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