


15 May 2023 A section of electron microscopy volume of a Platynereis larvae. Different colours mark different cell groups.

Visualising biology: new tools of the trade

EMBLetc EMBL researchers are pushing the frontiers of big data analysis in biological imaging, allowing scientists to gain a many-layered and multidimensional view of organisms, tissues, and cells in action.


31 October 2022 Two photos of a cell nucleus with blue, bandage-like objects wrapped around a roundish nucleus. The photos show before and after a parasitic invasion, so few chromosomes remain afterwards.

Plankton zombies for Halloween!

Plankton parasites provide a zombie story perfect for Halloween. While invading single-celled plankton, these parasites devour the cell’s nucleus and hijack metabolism while the organism remains alive.



5 November 2021 Three-dimensional rendering of sponge neuroid cells (coloured orange) and sponge digestive cells (coloured green).

More than a gut reaction

Science & Technology What can sponges tell us about the evolution of the brain? Sponges have the genes involved in neuronal function in higher animals. But if sponges don’t have brains, what is the role of these? EMBL scientists imaged the sponge digestive chamber to find out.



5 October 2021 Illustration of a globe with colourful shapes and symbols superimposed.

A cellular atlas of an entire worm

Science & Technology EMBL scientists and colleagues have developed an interactive atlas of the entire marine worm Platynereis dumerilii in its larval stage. The PlatyBrowser resource combines high-resolution gene expression data with volume electron microscopy images.



3 June 2021 Illustration of a rocky coastline with sailing boat, mountains, underwater organisms, bridge and factory in the background.

Living laboratories

Science & Technology Under the innovative Planetary Biology research theme, EMBL scientists aim to understand life in the context of its environment.



19 January 2021 3D rendering of a human cell, attacked by a virus.

Cell under attack

Science & Technology It’s almost a year since the coronavirus outbreak was declared a pandemic, affecting all our lives. While the virus continues its grip on the world, scientists are understanding it better and better, increasing our knowledge about it and opening up new ways to fight it.



23 November 2020 Tube-like structures of a cell at sub-cellular level in red and grey.

Replication cycle of SARS-CoV-2 in 3D

Science & Technology Researchers have studied SARS-CoV-2 replication in cells and obtained detailed insights into the alterations induced in infected cells. This information is essential to guide the development of urgently needed therapeutic strategies for suppressing viral replication and induced pathology.



18 February 2020

Mapping space inside the cell

Science & Technology In this image, Julian Hennies from the Schwab Team has reconstructed the 3D structure of a human cell's organelles.



21 January 2020

Look at these curves!

Science & Technology The image shown here is a 3D-rendering created by Julian Hennies from the Schwab team.



10 August 2016 Paris at night. IMAGE: NASA (M. Justin Wilkinson, Texas State University, Jacobs Contract at NASA-JSC)

Life in the periphery

Science & Technology Storage of pre-made nuclear pores allows for rapid cell division in fruit fly embryos



21 March 2016

Finding the way with X-Ray

Science & Technology New technique uses X-rays to find landmarks when combining fluorescence and electron microscopy



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