Local alliances

Alliances with institutions on or near EMBL campus sites

Local alliances involve institutions on or near EMBL campuses, and emerged from the recognised benefits of sharing infrastructure and equipment. Due to their nature they stimulate close collaboration between the stakeholders and facilitate the coordination of all activities taking place within the joint unit.

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Structural Biology

The Partnership for Structural Biology, based at EMBL's Grenoble site, provides common technical platforms for state-of-the-art structural biology projects. Partners coordinate scientific activities and drive the development of new instruments and methods.

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Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron

The Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB) on the DESY campus in Hamburg hosts top-notch research activities in structural biology, systems biology and infection biology.

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Molecular Medicine Partnership Unit

The MMPU brings EMBL together with the University Hospital in Heidelberg, Germany. The unit has more than 120 internationally recruited members, divided into nine research groups whose research themes address diseases from blood disorders to cancers.

logo of Wellcome Sanger Institute

Wellcome Sanger Institute

This charitably funded genomic research centre focusses on understanding the role of genetics in health and disease, and seeks to uncover the basis of genetic and infectious disease. The institute shares a campus in Hinxton, UK, with EMBL-EBI.

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Centre for Genomic Regulation

At EMBL's Barcelona site, the CRG unit is investigating systems biology, to further understand key aspects of biology relevant to human health.

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Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim

The Alliance is a unique network of inter-institutional research and development in the fields of medicine, life sciences and medical engineering and brings together a diverse range of disciplines and experts.

See also


Opportunities for national institutions to benefit from the EMBL model.


Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) build on and establish new collaborative links.