Molecular Medicine Partnership Unit (MMPU)

This partnership brings EMBL together with the University Hospital in Heidelberg, Germany.

The unit has more than 120 internationally recruited members, divided into nine research groups whose research themes address diseases from blood disorders to cancers.


MMPU logo

Key dates


Currently, the MMPU has more than 120 internationally recruited members, divided into nine research groups whose research themes all address common disease entities, including the diseases of childhood and adolescence such as blood disorders and cancers and ‘adult disorders’ such as hemochromatosis, blood cancer and colorectal cancer.

Every MMPU group is co-staffed by EMBL and the Medical Faculty; the directorship is shared by Andreas Kulozik (University of Heidelberg), Matthias Hentze (EMBL Director) and Wolfgang Huber (EMBL). The MMPU brings together the expertise of both partners in a complementary manner to bridge the gap between basic and medical research.

See also


Opportunities for national institutions to benefit from the EMBL model.


Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) build on and establish new collaborative links.