Local Alliances
Alliances with institutions on or near EMBL sites.
Uniting strengths in the field of targeted genome modification
EMBL and VU LSC, recognising the scientific and technological potential of uniting their complementary strengths in the field of targeted genome modification, decided to intensify existing links and build further institutional synergies by creating the Partnership for Genome Editing Technologies.
The VU LSC is hosted by Vilnius University and houses three research institutes of Biochemistry, Biotechnology, and Biosciences, as well as the Museum of Zoology, a Herbarium, and a Business Incubator for SMEs. The scientific aim of this Partnership is to improve our understanding of fundamental biological processes and disease mechanisms, and to develop and apply novel genome editing tools.
The Partnership will also promote cooperation between VU LSC and other EMBL partnership institutes, enabling the sharing of knowledge, scientific services, and scientific training.
Alliances with institutions on or near EMBL sites.
Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) build on and establish new collaborative links.
Fostering close relations and dialogue with scientific communities and government.